Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about InterLibrary Loan
- What is ILL or Interlibrary Loan?
- Who can use ILL?
- How do I request an Interlibrary Loan?
- What can I request?
- What is not available for loan through Interlibrary Loan?
- How long will it take to receive the item I requested?
- How will I know when my materials come in and how do I pick them up?
- Are there any fees for this service?
- Regulations and Renewals
- Borrower Responsibilities
- What if I forget my password?
- What is Electronic Delivery?
- Who do I contact if I have problems with or questions about ILLiad?
What is ILL or Interlibrary Loan?
ILL is the electronic system you use to request an item through Rollins InterLibrary Loan. The name of our InterLibrary Loan system, ILLiad, can be thought of as an acronym for InterLibrary Loan internet accessible database.
When requesting interlibrary loans, please be aware that the library seeks to acquire materials that support the Rollins curriculum and that are highly relevant to the educational and research needs of our students and faculty, in accordance with our collection development guidelines.
Who can use ILL?
Interlibrary Loan services are available to all faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students at Rollins College. Other Rollins affiliates need to contact the Interlibrary Loan office about obtaining services.
First Time User Registration for Interlibrary Loan
To request an item through Interlibrary Loan, you must first identify yourself to the library's ILL system.Please follow the steps below:
- Go back to the main login page by clicking here or using your browser's back button.
- Logging into the system with your FoxID and Password for secure
access to your account. If you don't know your Rollins login information, contact the IT
Help Desk. Your FoxID is your email address without the "".
- Enter your personal information (name, contact information, etc.) when you first use the system so that we can send your electronic and print materials to you and notify you promptly.
How do I request an Interlibrary Loan?
ILL requests may be submitted using a variety of methods, all of which require that you be a registered ILL user. If you have not registered in ILLiad, please use the First Time Users Tab on the Rollins Interlibrary Loan home page. After registering you may then submit requests in the following ways:
- After logging-in to ILLiad, select the appropriate form from the menu for the type of material you are requesting. Complete the form and click the Submit button.
- When searching WorldCat, identify the material that you need and click on the ILLiad or Interlibrary Loan link in the item record. The Login screen for ILLiad will appear — login and the item will automatically be populated on the form. Review and edit the form as needed then click the Submit button.
- If the item is not held in full-text in one of our databases, you may order it via ILL by clicking the
button or “Click here to order Full Text from Interlibrary Loan”, login to your ILLiad account and review the form for accuracy and submit the request.
What can I request?
You may request standard types of materials including: books, articles, theses, and proceedings.
DVDs, sound recordings, and other audiovisual materials may be requested but might be difficult to obtain due to lending restrictions at the lending library. Unless available in microform, these materials are not generally available for loan:
- Pre-1800 imprints
- Rare books
- Newspapers
- Manuscripts
- Genealogical materials such as vital records, country records, etc.
What is not available for loan through Interlibrary Loan?
- Textbooks
- "Best Sellers" (currently in high demand and are available at the public library)
- Items currently on Reserve
- E-Books
- Genealogical materials such as vital records, country records, etc.
- Newly released DVDs
- Reference books
- Software and CD-ROMS
- Whole issues/volumes of journals
- In addition, photocopies of certain materials protected by copyright cannot be obtained.
How long will it take to receive the item I requested?
On average, a loan takes approximately 8-9 business days, and article requests take 3-5 business days. Some international requests may take more than three months to obtain. Many factors affect the average arrival time, such as policies and procedures on the lending institution, the type of material requested, the distance of the lending library, method of transportation (FedEx, U.S. Mail, Courier, or electronically) and the accuracy of the citation given to the Interlibrary Loan Department.
Always plan on submitting your interlibrary loan requests well in advance of any deadlines you may have.
How will I know when my materials come in and where do I pick them up?
The Interlibrary Loan Department notifies you by e-mail when your materials arrive. If you have requested an article, you will receive the article electronically. For more information of Electronic Delivery please visit
All other materials will be available for pick up at the Circulation Desk. In order to have your ILL items released you will have to provide ID and sign for the item. Please see the ILL libguide for further details.
Are there any fees for this service?
The Olin Library does not charge an ILL fee. However, there are associated costs for Olin to borrow materials, so please request items that you truly need and will use.
Regulations and Renewals
- Presently the Olin Library has no limitations on the number of active ILL requests; however, we recommend you be mindful of the fact that ILL loans will be in your possession only for a limited time.
- The loan period for books varies from 14 to 21 days depending on the policy of the library lending the book. The loan period for DVD’s and other audiovisual formats varies from 5 to 14 days. The due dates will be indicated on the ILL label attached to the item, and in the e-mail notification. This information is also available through your online ILL account. Often one renewal is allowed (at the discretion of the lending library) and must be requested prior to the item’s due date.
- Some items cannot be renewed and their circulation might be limited. Conditions will be indicated on the label, and in the e-mail notification.
- Article requests are available for a 30 day period. If you need them longer you may consider saving the PDF file on your personal computer.
- All Interlibrary Loan materials are subject to recall by the lending library. Patrons must return materials immediately when a recall notice is received.
Borrower Responsibilities
- Return borrowed material on time. Failure to return material on time may result in suspension of ILL privileges, and replacement charges for the item being charged to your Rollins Bursar account.
- Take proper care of borrowed material and return it in good condition. You are liable for any lost or damaged material.
- Overdue items may be billed for replacement costs, even if the item is ultimately returned. If the library pays the replacement costs in order to remain in good standing with the loaning library, it is impossible to refund the fee.
What if I forget my password?
For most users, your logon is your Rollins E-mail username and password. This can be reset on the Web or by contacting the IT Help Desk at (407) 628-6363. (On campus x6363).
Rollins-affiliated users without Rollins E-mail usernames (including organizations) can request a special ILLiad password by contacting the Interlibrary Loan Office at (407) 646-1554.
What is electronic delivery?
Many libraries ship photocopies of articles to us in electronic format. In the past we printed these articles before delivering them to you. Now, through ILLiad, we are able to offer you the option of electronic delivery of these articles in PDF format (Adobe's Portable Document Format). You can read more about electronic delivery on the Electronic Delivery Information page.
Who do I contact if I have problems with or questions about ILLiad?
Contact the Interlibrary Loan Office at (407) 646-1554 or send an e-mail to
Important Copyright Information
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.
Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research". If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use", that user may be liable for copyright infringement.
This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.